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sábado, 10 de noviembre de 2012

‏PostHumanist BioTechnology

1. PostHumanist BioTechnology is promising a great "epistemological implosion" within disciplines.

Anthropocentrism reachs its highest point in BioTechnology. 2

So called biotechnologists make some change in DNA in some organism.

4. The technology used in biotechnology is taken directly from Nature, where bacteria make the same thing for thousands of millions years.

In fact, our own organization as biological beings, is the fruit of "millions of horizontal gene transferences.

Bacteria take some gene from one organism, and transfer it to other organism. 6

The horizontal genetic transfer "is not an invent from humans. Not at all.

8. Curiously we have seen these years a great fight against GMO.

Many people is aware of the risks of GMO.

But not so many people are aware of the "biological revolution" that horizontal genetic transfer is still promising. 6

The lineal branched phylogenetic tree typical of 21th century systematics biologists "is not real"

4. We could say that these "false" phylogenies, are missing the biggest revolution in genetics, biology, and evolution.

Horizontal gene transfer, and endosymbiogenesis, are not only a big revolution in Biology.

(((: or how one clic on google give you the global awareness of (micro! in two senses!) biologists about the twenty one century biological - scientific revolution that actualy seems happenings in another planet or solar systems :)))

They are in importance as Darwin and Wallace discoveries. 2

We could say that Darwin fight against Anthropocentrism was still waiting for that fabulous combat, that we would take in TV and Twitter and FB.

0. So if all organisms, as we, are the fruit of biotechnology.

What happens now is that the concept of biotechnology radicaly changes.

Humanist BioTechnology was actualy AnthropoBioTechnology. 2

PostHumanist BioTechnology becomes, by logical scientific inclusion, a very extended feature in Nature.

4. All Biology is technology. All ecology is technology. All linguistics is technology. All phylosophy is technology. All is technology. Not only what is alive.

This is Symplectics as the easiest way to observe and analyse complex systems, using the common features among nodes.

We could say the same for BioEthics /AnthropoBioEthics. 6

If my hand is a tool, and my language is a tool, and my eyes are tools, and my brain is a tool, and words are tools, and thoughts are tools, and water is a tool, and enzimes are a tool...

8. In that way, our bodies are now, direct actors/tresses, implied 100% in the 21th century technological revolution.

In that way the chinese new concept of "EcoGrid", including, not only 1) Human, and 2) machine, but also 3) Ecosystem, becomes easy to approach, just because when your bodies interact with computer, the play is always within Technology.

Just because Computers are BioTechnology Too.6

Because they are the fruits of interactions of (human) living beings within Nature.

4. In that way you don't need more.

Quantum Perception of Reality becomes, in that way, intuitive, and not contra-intuitive.

When you read that Quantum Physics "is contraintuitive", people that thinks in that way, still have not reached or learned the way to see it in another way. 2

Actualy Quantum Physics is contraintuitive for western, lineal, urban scientists. And intuitive for common (multicultural) common sense.

0. What now allows us to synthonize within that is the Naturalist Revolution.

What is a Naturalist Revolution now?

It is to use our sensorial faculties to learn again, with enthusiasm, awareness and curosity, from our surroundings. 2


4. Because only computers are not enough. We need enjoy now, increasingly, to practise our natural sensorial technologies, to know, and recognise our surroundings.

When catasthroph arrives, you need these "natural" knowledges for survival.

In that way, technological, scientific, and social revolutions, now, are urgently convivial within a Naturalist Revolution complementing, and empowering all the three. 6

Your indigenous powers are so powerful, that only you may give them "air-to-breath". :)))

or how one clic on google give you the global awareness of (micro! in two senses!) biologists about the twenty one century biological - scientific revolution that actualy seems happenings in another planet or solar systems 

or how one clic on google give you the global awareness of (micro! in two senses!) biologists about the twenty one century biological - scientific revolution that actualy seems happenings in another planet or solar systems 

or how one clic on google give you the global awareness of (micro! in two senses!) biologists about the twenty one century biological - scientific revolution that actualy seems happenings in another planet or solar systems 

or how one clic on google give you the global awareness of (micro! in two senses!) biologists about the twenty one century biological - scientific revolution that actualy seems happenings in another planet or solar systems 

or how one clic on google give you the global awareness of (micro! in two senses!) biologists about the twenty one century biological - scientific revolution that actualy seems happenings in another planet or solar systems 

or how one clic on google give you the global awareness of (micro! in two senses!) biologists about the twenty one century biological - scientific revolution that actualy seems happenings in another planet or solar systems 

or how one clic on google give you the global awareness of (micro! in two senses!) biologists about the twenty one century biological - scientific revolution that actualy seems happenings in another planet or solar systems

jueves, 8 de noviembre de 2012

‏SI RIÁ NO CRUZÁ: Flash Floods: Si hay riada, no cruces

Si hay riada, espérate a que baje antes de cruzar.
The United States National Weather Servicegives the advice "Turn Around, Don't Drown" for flash floods; that is, it recommends that people get out of the area of a flash flood, rather than trying to cross it. Many people tend to underestimate the dangers of flash floods. What makes flash floods most dangerous is their sudden nature and fast moving water. A vehicle provides little to no protection against being swept away; it may make people overconfident and less likely to avoid the flash flood. More than half of the fatalities attributed to flash floods are people swept away in vehicles when trying to cross flooded intersections.[4] As little as 2 feet (0.61 m) of water is enough to carry away most SUV-sized vehicles.[5]

Definitions of flood and flash flood

Flood: An overflow of water onto normally dry land. The inundation of a normally dry area caused by rising water in an existing waterway, such as a river, stream, or drainage ditch. Ponding of water at or near the point where the rain fell. Flooding is a longer term event than flash flooding: it may last days or weeks.

Flash flood: A flood caused by heavy or excessive rainfall in a short period of time, generally less than 6 hours. Flash floods are usually characterized by raging torrents after heavy rains that rip through river beds, urban streets, or mountain canyons sweeping everything before them. They can occur within minutes or a few hours of excessive rainfall. They can also occur even if no rain has fallen, for instance after a levee or dam has failed, or after a sudden release of water by a debris or ice jam.

Prevencion de inundaciones y riadas: